One gives credit that the urban culture, literally speaking, is characterized for the partner-cultural and individualistic disorganization. It is known, however, that the urban social culture did not move total, but the requirements of the modern world were only adaptaram. However, in Brazil, the phenomena as paternalista and the clientelismo to adaptarem it of course the world urban-industrial, coexisting the impersonal relations. The relation between master and customer aims at the interest in getting valued goods, favors and protection politics, that the position of both the parts can favor to the other. It is there that a type of dependent capitalism inhabits, where ' ' tradicional' ' ' ' moderno' ' if they articulate and they develop a new type of society under form different, however combined. Another type of survival observed in the countries of Latin America is the use of the reciprocity. This functions of form to benefit the relations of exchange of goods and services between equal.
This method is well different of the relation master/customer, where master uses itself of its relatives and known to create a means of production. In a reciprocity net (between equal) the exchange depends very on the sociability between the family-member-neighbors who are used inside interchange of it reciprocal. They are some of them: information, working aid, loans, services and moral support. However, in what customer says respect to the relations master/, the net possesss a mechanism that is used by any enterprising member to reach its ends and to reach the collective progress of the group. However, if it does not have to think that the reciprocity is only concentrated in the low classrooms. The high classrooms also are used of reciprocity mechanisms. No longer Brazil observes it importance of such methods as the celebrity ' ' panelinha' ' ' ' Q.I.' ' (Who Indicates as well as), that sufficiently they are used by the middle class to obtain job in public or private nets, for the resolution of problems.
These relationships are of great importance for the classroom average. The results indicate that, in contrast of what it thought, the forecast of that the urbanization ' ' it would weaken the bows of kinships and it would be the decline of the meaning social of famlia' ' , it was not marked. Different of what it was foreseen, the familiar bows had inside become stronger with the urbanization, being an institution of great importance and meaning in Latin America, playing great functions of the social structure. Exactly that the processes of urbanization and industrialization have occurred, the relations between master-customer and of reciprocity did not weaken. The exchange of information, the mutual aid and the moral support, continue being half to establish extensive bows between each one of these two types of nets.