Freire (2003) still criticizes that the education if summarizes only in transmitting the knowledge, and that the professor has an active paper, while the pupil, of passive reception. Please visit Chocolate if you seek more information. The resume is, of this form, off of the existencial situation of the involved people in the act to know. Freire (2003) considers a new concept of problematizadora education, in which it defends that a separation does not exist enters the act to know and what it is known and that the knowledge is always intentioned, that is, directed for some thing. The knowledge involves intercommunication and is by means of it that the men if educate. Freire (2003) conceives the pedagogical act as a dialgico act and uses, in its writings, the term contents programmarians.
However, a difference in relation to the traditional theories exists, specifically in the form as if they construct these contents. In its method, Freire (2003) uses the proper experiences of its pupils to determine the contents programmarians, becoming, thus, the significant knowledge for who learns. However, it does not deny the paper of the specialists to organize the form subjects to interdisciplinar. The contents are defined together with educating and in the reality where they are situated. Freire (2003) eliminates the difference between popular culture and erudite culture and allows that the first one also is considered knowledge that legitimately is part of the resume. As It hisses (2003), another critical movement in relation to the resume theories occurred in England, with Michael Young. This critical one was established in sociology and passed to be known as New Sociology of the Education. Differently of the other theories that had as base the critical ones on the traditional theories of education, this had as reference the old sociology of the education, that followed a tradition of empirical research on the different results produced by the educational system, worried mainly with the failure pertaining to school of children of the laboring classrooms.